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The roles and responsibilities of the Planning Commission and its members are prescribed and directed by the County Planning Commission Ordinance and By-Laws, under the authority bestowed to it by the Michigan State Planning Enabling Act - MZEA (MCL 125.3801, et seq., Act 33 of 2008, as amended) and the Livingston County Board of Commissioners (Resolution No. 2013-03-079, March 4, 2013).

It shall be the function of the County Planning Commission to make a plan for the development of the county as a whole.  A master plan shall address land use and infrastructure issues and may project twenty (20) years or more into the future. A master plan shall include maps, plats, charts, and any other descriptive or explanatory matter that shall guide the Planning Commission’s recommendations for physical development of the planning jurisdiction.  It shall be the duty of the County Planning Commission to:

  1. Make studies, investigations, and surveys relative to the economic, social, and physical development of the county;
  2. Formulate plans and make recommendations for the most effective economic, social, and physical development of the county;
  3. Cooperate with all departments of the state and federal governments and other public agencies concerned with programs directed towards the economic, social, and physical development of the county, and seek the maximum coordination of the county programs of these agencies; and,
  4. Consult with representatives of adjacent counties in respect to their planning so that conflicts in overall county plans may be avoided.  The County Planning Commission shall serve as a coordinating agency for all planning committees and commissions within the county. 

Board Information

The County Planning Commission was established by the County Board of Commissioners pursuant to MCL 125.3811.  Its members are appointed by the County Board of Commissioners, under MCL 125.3815(1).  It is required for purposes of developing and recommending approval of a County Master Plan, unless the County is served by a Regional Planning Commission.  

Please see the Planning Commission website for more information.

The Planning Commission shall consist of seven (7) members who are qualified electors in the County and shall individually be representative of the important segments of the economic, governmental, social life and development of Livingston County including agriculture, recreation, education, residential areas, government, transportation, industry, and commerce. The Planning Commission shall consist of:

  1. One (1) Agricultural
  2. One (1) Recreational
  3. One (1) Industrial
  4. One (1) Residential Areas
  5. One (1) Transportation
  6. One (1) Commercial
  7. One (1) Educational

(as required by MCL 125.3815), provided no more than 1/3 of the membership of said Commission shall hold another office or position in the county government.

Scott Barb, Planning Department Director
Name Position Term Start Term End Status Appointed By
Anderson, Bill Commercial Representative 01 Nov 2019 31 Oct 2025 Active Board of Commissioners
Bowdoin, Dennis Agriculture Representative 01 Nov 2018 31 Oct 2024 Expiring Board of Commissioners
Burkholder, Margaret Industrial Representative 13 Mar 2023 31 Oct 2026 Active Board of Commissioners
Call, Bill Recreation Representative 01 Nov 2019 31 Oct 2024 Expiring Board of Commissioners
Funk, Paul Residential Areas Representative 26 Apr 2021 31 Oct 2025 Active Board of Commissioners
Ikle, Matt Transportation Represenative 01 Nov 2020 31 Oct 2026 Active Board of Commissioners
Schrock, Jason Education Representative 01 Nov 2021 31 Oct 2024 Expiring Board of Commissioners