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This board is responsible for the selection of juries in the following courts:

  1. Circuit court.
  2. Probate court.
  3. District court.

The jury board shall select from a list that combines the driver's license list and the personal identification cardholder list the names of persons  to serve as jurors.


Board Information

Required by MCL 600.1301(1).  

The jury board shall meet annually in the month of May. The chief circuit judge shall fix the time and place of the annual meeting and may direct the board to meet at other times and places.

In counties having a population of less than 2,000,000, the jury board consists of 3 qualified electors of the county appointed by the county board of commissioners on recommendation of the circuit judges of the judicial circuit in which the county is situated, not more than 2 of whom shall be members of the same political party. The appointments shall be for 6-year terms.

A majority of the board constitutes a quorum.

Name Position Term Start Term End Status Appointed By
Green, William Member At Large 26 Apr 2021 26 Apr 2027 Active Board of Commissioners
Sauvage, Nancy Member At Large 20 May 2015 26 Apr 2027 Active Board of Commissioners