Home Icon Airport Zoning Board of Appeals

This Board is responsible to determine appeals and variance requests under the Airport Zoning Ordinance.  Its members are appointed by the County Board of Commissioners.  It is required by MCL 259.457



Board Information

The Board of Appeals shall receive such compensation and  expense reimbursement for attendance at meetings and hearings, and may employ such necessary personnel, as may be provided for by resolution of the Board of Commissioners.

The Livingston County Airport Zoning Board of Appeals consists of five (5) members of the Livingston  County Planning Commission, each to be appointed for a term of 3 years and until his or her  successor is appointed and qualified, one of whom shall be designated as Chair and one of  whom shall be designated as Vice‑Chair, which appointments shall be made by the County  Board of Commissioners. Board members shall be removable by the appointing body for cause shown, upon written charges and after notice and opportunity to be publicly heard.

Must be a member of the Livingston County Planning Commission.

Kathleen Kline-Hudson, Planning Department Director
Name Position Term Start Term End Status Appointed By
Anderson, Bill Commercial Representative 01 Nov 2019 31 Dec 2025 Active Board of Commissioners
Bowdoin, Dennis Agriculture Representative 22 Mar 2021 31 Dec 2026 Active Board of Commissioners
Burkholder, Margaret Industrial Representative 11 Apr 2023 31 Dec 2025 Active Board of Commissioners
Call, Bill Recreation Representative 22 Mar 2021 31 Dec 2024 Active Board of Commissioners
Ikle, Matt Transportation Represenative 21 May 2018 31 Dec 2024 Active Board of Commissioners