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Livingston County has an Aeronautical Facilities Board that began in 1974. The board was created to help maintain the airport. The board has general supervision over aeronautics within Livingston County, including the airport, runways, main terminal, and general facilities.

The board employs a regular airport manager, and administers all regulations and airport ordinances. The board initiates and adopts public safety rules, and adheres the laws of Michigan Department of Aeronautics.


Board Information

This Board has general supervision of the Livingston County Spencer J. Hardy Airport.  Its members are appointed by the County Board of Commissioners.  It is not required by law.  Rather, under MCL 259.133(a), the County “may” vest authority over the Airport in a Board. 

The board meets at least once yearly.

The board consists of seven (7) members. The members are appointed by the Livingston County Board of Commissioners and all members of the Board are Livingston County Residents. All of the members will serve five (5) year terms. Three (3) of the members must have aeronautical experience. The board meets at least once yearly, and is paid a per diem.

50% +1

Mark Johnson, Airport Director
Name Position Term Start Term End Status Appointed By
Clore, James Member At Large 15 Jun 2015 01 Jul 2025 Active Board of Commissioners
Hardy, Jack Member At Large 28 Jun 2022 15 Jul 2027 Active Board of Commissioners
Hundley, Bruce Member At Large 01 Jul 2019 01 Jul 2029 Active Board of Commissioners
Janego, Thomas Member At Large 24 Jul 2016 24 Jul 2026 Active
Spaulding, Rob Member At Large 01 Jul 2019 01 Jul 2029 Active Board of Commissioners
Staley, Ronald Member At Large 24 Jul 2016 24 Jul 2026 Active